Friday, May 01, 2009

Blushing Pink Raspberry Smoothie

It takes two !

Hey ! Here I am back again so soon . I said I was going to break the bad habit of taking long breaks and I have kept my promise. So what do I have today? Well it's this deliciously refreshing raspberry smoothie that is my son's favourite . And mine too actually although given a choice I really prefer to eat the raspberries just like that . They are so delicious and have sucha heady aroma that I can never have enough. It's very funny actually because believe it or not there was a time when I was not particularly fond of this fruit, but that was because I had yet to taste really great tasting raspberries. I now buy mine from M& S and they are perfect everytime. They are sweet and deliciously tart and I just want to buy them by the kilo. My son and I actually fight over who has eaten more raspberries from the box and who gets the last one. Very often it is I who get to eat more because of course I am snacking on them when the poor guy is in school but then I compensate him by making this yummy smoothie which definitely goes down a treat with him.

Surprisingly he doesn't mind that it is pink in colour, because otherwise he will run miles from anything that even closely resembles the colour pink. He has all these typical (for a 7 year old) ideas of pink is only for girls but this he doesn't mind hmmm!!!!

Raspberry Smoothie

So we made this yesterday.
This is how:
Approx 1 cup fresh raspberries (I froze them for an hour before using them)
1/2 cup plain yogurt,
1 cup chilled whole milk,
2 to 3 tspns sugar
5 to 6 ice cubes

In the blender first put in the milk and yogurt and then put in the frozen raspberries and sugar and ice. Putting the liquids first prevents the raspberries from jamming your blender mechanism.
Give it all a good blitz until nice and frothy and serve.
Raspberries also combine well in taste with mangoes in a smoothie. Try that once too.


Unknown said...

That is sure a perfect treat! pretty in pink!!